I shared it with Jared. I also shared that I thought God was reminding me that I need to find ways to show love and reach out to our new neighbours. Chatting to one of them in the lift, I've discovered they are a bunch of students from India who are attending Republic Polytechnic nearby. So far, I've just been irritated by the music and loud movie sounds they constantly have blaring day and night. I suspect they are also the ones who have been leaving their trash outside the chute instead of bagging it and throwing it down the chute. Sigh...
Well, as it turns out, there was a surprise in store for us as we settle down to copywork for the day a couple of minutes later. Our CM copywork passage for the day was just this very verse! Jared was impressed that God was definitely saying something. He looked up with a grin, "now, that's what I call double confirmation!". Right, now there's no worming my way out of this one. Something will have to be done about our neighbours....
:) And trust my God to make sure I get his point, I've just realised that our sermon topic at church this coming Sunday is "Transforming our Community".
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