Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Never Tire..

I never tire of hearing Jared say "I love you". It was a good day today and he was inclined to demonstrate his love for me several times today. I'm certainly not complaining. In my mind, it was almost as if I was saving the extras for a day when things don't go as well and the exchange of I-Love-Yous is sparse between us.

At the dinner table, our dear son popped an unexpected question. Of his daddy, who is a partner of his company, he asked, "Daddy, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Who is the boss in your company? Who pays all the others to work for him?" I thought I knew pretty much what went on in that little brain-machine of his, but this took me quite by surprise. It turned out to be a great opportunity to explain that everyone has to work, even the boss. In fact, he was a little disappointed to learn that as boss, Daddy often has to work even harder and longer hours than the others. Hmm...come to think of it, we kind of glossed over an answer to his long thought about question and I shall pick it up with him again tomorrow.

On a somewhat different note, Christmas is slowly creeping into our household. Jared and Melissa started work on a duet version of Jingle Bells. I love it when Christmas comes around and can't wait to put a second video of the fiddle version he's going to work on next...

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