Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Battle of Agincourt - as told by Daddy

The English led by King Henry V

The French - at first confident of winning this battle.

The guest story-teller

The enthralled son.

The enthralled son.

Our history co-op had a guest storyteller last week. We had gotten to the chapter in "The Story of the World" that touched on the Battle of Agincourt and Joan of Arc. It was my turn to take the session and I knew next to nothing of the battle. In an "aha" moment, it occurred to me that I lived with someone who knew loads about it (and many other events in history)! Haven't I always wished my husband to be more involved in Jared's education? Here was the perfect opportunity.

At first, he agreed to write a page about the battle for me to read aloud at group. You can imagine my delight when the night before group, he volunteered to take off work early and come tell the story himself. He is a GREAT storyteller....

So I got a bunch of other things prepared as I imagined he would take about half an hour to tell how the English fought the French at Agincourt. Well, I never got to any of those other activities as he took the entire HOUR and a half for his battle tale. Let's just say, it was the most attentive I've ever seen this bunch of kids! Now all that remains is to persuade Daddy that his REPEATED involvement at history will be much appreciated.

oh, grandma came along because she wanted to listen to Daddy's story too!

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